Much of the following information is based on heresay and legend. If you find yourself attracting the attentions of a vampire, some, but not all, of these methods may be of use.

Get the vampire to stay up till dawn, the sun will definately kill it.

Drive a stake into the vampires heart with a single blow. A whitethorn stake is best.

Burn the vampire, reduce it to ashes.

Red hot nails can replace a stake, but you will need to hammer them into the head as well.

Behead the vampire with a grave diggers shovel.

Remove the vampires heart and boil it in oil.

Crosses of willow wood, holy water, wild roses and garlic repel vampires.

Sprinkle tiny seeds around the suspect grave to delay the vampire, it will try to count them all.

Bury the vampire at a crossroads, this will confuse it and he will not be able to find his way home.

The vampire dosen't like mirrors. The reflection of his soul shows how inhuman he has become.

Do not commit suicide, you will return as a vampire.

A vampire may not enter you home unless it is invited.

Do not look a vampire in the eyes, their gaze is hypnotic.

Church bells, when tolling for the dead, scare vampires.


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